Tuesday, November 13, 2012


What is leadership really about?
To lead doesn't require you  be  the quintessence of proficiency; nor does it require you  be an idea box which keeps coming up with enigmatic ideas; nor does it require you to be  a people's man.
Thousands of books have been written about what the perfect leader is , and the qualities he possesses.
I believe , though, that the real deal has been overlooked.
Hey! - anyone can be a leader. Sit back and take a look at your life. You would realize you are a leader in something, in someway.
The recipe to  being a leader is simple; lead yourself. Start something and see it to the finish. Think a question and answer it. Sense a gap and close it.
Make a move. Take a step. Give a suggestion. Ask a question. Lead yourself - in every setting. 
Its simple , right? So now tell me, why are you not doing it?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Solve a real problem

Accumulating knowledge and information really amounts to nothing unless in the end you are solving a real problem.

As someone I know says; 'man, we are not reinventing the world. All the tools and information we need to solve a problem are available. So please dont waste your time thinking about a problem,thats already been solved.'

Solve a real problem right here - make a difference wherever you are.
Think about the tools you will need,if economics, then learn economics - set out to make a difference and then go on - and make a difference.

Dont waste your years gathering information and knowledge that will not help you solve any real problem. Trust me, any experience is not useful experience, unless you've set out to make a difference. Unless you've set out to close a gap you've seen.
This gap could be anything, across all the fields of study known and unknown to man.

It could be as simple as creating a more comfortable pillow or as enormous as creating a musical piece that makes people really happy - These are no real problems from where I stand, but thats the good thing. We all get to make a difference from wherever we stand.

In the end some will create more wants. Others will come close to satisfying some wants - and possibly end up creating more - but thats all good. The truth is we cant really put a cup over human wants; they are insatiable.

The commendable thing is doing something, and going the extra mile to at least see it to its finishing.

In the end the beautiful thing, is , you tried.


Our last post was on DECEMBER 13, 2011.  Since that time there has been a lot that we've been working on. I had barely taken time to think about what this blog meant essentially.
But no event is ever out of order. 

There are no sudden happenings in this world. There is a reason to every happening.
We've been long gone, working on other issues, but we are back.

Sammy Delali