Monday, January 31, 2011



By Chrys Green

Today I am going award you that rare opportunity that will enable you have a peek into my mind so you can grasp what a mind like mine is capable of imagining in regards to the society we live in terms of its evolution and its missing links. Society we all know is an abstraction of a collection of relationships between individuals, usually including distinctive cultural, economic, or political properties and vary greatly in complexity and scope.
What I intend to achieve with this article will be realized as you read further.
Ok.It was a very lonely day and I was feeling very meditative and inspirational so I thought I could make myself less boring by taking a mental trip into a my ‘’ideal society’’.
My definition of my ‘’ideal society’’ may not conform to your beliefs but that is unfortunately or fortunately my opinion.
Now in my ‘’ideal society’’,I saw machines replacing humans in the production sector that way an increase was detected in development of the lives of the humans that live in the society that I visited during my mental voyage.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Often we smile at the sight of a person, an animal, an object, or other respects of nature as a sign of satisfaction, pleasure, or attaining a meaning of the characteristics we harvested from the observed. As to what we have seen in the source of this feeling, it depends on us, because another person observing the same thing may not find the joy we felt.
As a culture of thought, most believe the artist has more than any other to utter all that is beautiful about our nature. True beauty has interpretation which leads to attractiveness or emotional well-being. As a matter of fact, beauty is subjective and resonates to one’s own meaning of his observation (Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder).

Friday, January 21, 2011

A functioning society

Society cant be easily defined, because there is more to it, a group of people related to each other through persistent relations such as social status, roles and social networks, Or a large social grouping that shares the same geographical territory and is subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.
There is more truth to this truth. Societies should mean more than a group of people related to each other through persistent relations such a social status, roles and etc neither can a society be simply a social grouping that shares the same geographical territory and is subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.

What is a society?
I remember scenes from stories, told to me by my mum, about how in the olden days , the kids and all the youth in a village used to gather around a fire and listen to stories of an old man in the village. The old man in the village would probably be the wisest person in the village and his stories did many things apart from the listening pleasure of the audience .
The stories inspired and cautioned the youth to learn , to learn from the characters of the story, to learn from their flaws and strengths , that they may become better persons.

I also recall in bigger villages , the oldest woman in a family sect , will sit down especially with her grandchildren and tell them many stories. A hundred fables , would have been heard by a child before he turned fifteen. The older man in the family taught his sons how to farm,haunt and once a while meetings were held , where he told his sons about his conquests and failures and what they should do otherwise.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


We read and hear of great black people from the dawn of abolition of slavery, who lived long before our birth, shed thoughts on paper, and shared ideas as speeches in the essence of emerging a community of black people with an idealism of the superiority of the black man. Their efforts, toil and blood, although some were cajoled later by the whites, has lead the black man to a physical freedom with little resentment of their worthy sacrifice.
This stagnating era of black writers and speakers was only to combat a word, racism.
A word sandwiched by two colours, black and white, got many thinking of how to avoid imbalance between the races, exploring and applying various means to attain this common goal. The black people, fighting so hard to gain respect, recognition and freedom, as the whites fought to maintain their superiority and power over the black people.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Today is 26/12/2010, I sit here to write about the scientific method,
I have a feeling there is a powerful message I  could pass on from this point of view on science.
Its clear that science in itself has become a subject of study because of the “evolvement” of “the methods of finding out and asserting truth”
As far as the world has come science has played a very important role and marked the very beginning of civilization.
I ask myself now, how did science evolve?  
My idea is science evolved the very day man started questioning, for in questioning is reasoning and in reasoning lies the birth of a problem and its solution.
Bible stories recounts the early descendants of Adam , forging metallic farm tools. Somewhere and somehow their reasoning and questioning had finally landed a solution to a problem they had perceived.
Science which not until early 19th century was labeled another form of philosophy , was birth an integration of old and new ideas, which was shared and tested for its validity.
When an idea is validated, by the elite in the society it stays as a fact and its pass down from generation to generation.  Science has evolved into the perfect tool for problem solving today as its developed its own principles around which it functions…

I remember when I was a child , about 8years , I used to think of building my own helicopter.
In my head, I will practically bring to birth the image of the helicopter with the interior switch and everything I could think of .
I realized since I had never seen what it looked like below the dashboard of the helicopter and didn’t even know what all the gauges  and indicators on the dashboard represented.  My thoughts drifted towards how I was going to make the helicopter move.
Because I know I could connect cells to a motor and cause it to wheel , I thought  of how I could connect a lot of cells to cause the “fan” (as I used to call it) on the helicopter to move.
My helicopter was in the form of wood , because at that time I barely understood how metal, as strong as it was could be carved to such a shape.
Everyday I found new ways in my head to cause my helicopter to conform with the idea of what it really was.