This stagnating era of black writers and speakers was only to combat a word, racism.
A word sandwiched by two colours, black and white, got many thinking of how to avoid imbalance between the races, exploring and applying various means to attain this common goal. The black people, fighting so hard to gain respect, recognition and freedom, as the whites fought to maintain their superiority and power over the black people.
Yet still the culmination of their sacrifice to their black brother has only afforded him the chance to; study where he wants, walk on the street like others with no fear, to build, to vote and rule his country. The black man, like his white brother still needs one more thing, one more sacrifice, one more light, and one more freedom.
He still needs mental freedom!
Our races, black and white, are thoughts and perceptions encoded in our minds of the true self about the opposite races. The colour of the skin deviates the meaning of a race, but the ideas we create of the other race is that which drives us into the want for warfare for a better welfare.
If we are to build a wall, there is a lot to first put on paper; the requirements of the soil, the climate, and people to use the wall. Walls for a home will never suite a prison.
Likewise, our lives are like walls built with thoughts and actions, a mix of the images in our minds.
Certain materials and conditions that weaken the wall are the thoughts and actions that keep us in a state of regret, wishing there was a way to turn back the hands of time to change this inevitable feeling.
Unfortunately certain conditions break the entire wall, so will certain thoughts and actions deprive us of our lives to earn the chance to regret.
If we are truly walls, are we going to be black or white?
Who are the white walls?
In the black man’s mind, the white man rejects all that will ever be good to the black community just as the white background reflects all colours of the white light, that the white man is selfish and only does that which will only keep his race superior rather than thinking of the good of all humans in this world. This long sleep has cultivated a weakness; a poor use of our minds to create a feeling of hatred for the white man. Funny statements like,” any white man comes to our country as an investor and gets to meet our president, I go abroad dying to get a green card before I’m deported”, keep echoing.
Who are the black walls?
The white man has assuredly experimented and concluded the black man will always accept any idea from him just as the black background absorbs all components of the white light. The black man will never plan for the outcome, all necessary is what now, never what after. That the black man is weak in the mind, only strong physically; forgetting the fact that civilization begun from mother
These two sets of thoughts keep shaking the unity we claim our leaders have founded. If there is a way to awaken ourselves into a world where we understand our races are thoughts about each other; the Jew's thought about the Christian, the Christian's thought about the Muslim, the Muslim's thought about the Buddhist, the Buddhist's thought about the Hindu, and the Hindu's thought about the Vedas, then we will know how to attain this long want, mental freedom.
We will see our blossom leaders pour energy into our welfare instead of underestimating each other. We will have leaders who will channel all ideas to interlace these two sets of thoughts, so that together we could build one powerful and everlasting grey wall.
Who are the grey walls?
Grey walls, as easy as it sounds is a product of the adhesion between the white walls and the black walls.. The black walls have failed to be really black and the white walls have failed to be truly white. If we could spend little time to analyze our capabilities, we will write a book of the positive self we both have, we will reach the peak of consciousness, love.
The white man will confess, he will say that the black man is very resistant to diseases, has good skin colour to fight against ultraviolet rays, is physically strong and has a very good idea in herbal medication, has helped in the development of the white community by his ideas and strength, has fought side by side with his white brother to bring peace to himself and his brother, has tilled the land of his white brother, has been a competition in class urging him to read wider.
Then the black wall will not hesitate to vomit out the good he is enjoying from the white. He will sing songs with notes depicting his happiness to read and write, to watch his brother on the TV, to earn a scholarship to study abroad, to show his gratitude for the introduction of the true one God in his life, to appreciate the financial help the white community gives to his people. He will also remember to write about the white man’s intelligence, his courage, curiosity and pleasure of finding things out.
With all these I don't think we should still call our races our colour, but the thoughts we have about each other. How a black man thinks of his fellow black man, how a white man thinks about his fellow white man, and finally what the black and white people think about each other.
Freedom is a word we only hear but something we have not yet attained with the exception of few people who dictate to their mind. The rest; a black man kills his black brother and so does the white man, some go to the extent of killing themselves to attain peace by being away from this dungeon they are living. How rational is it to suffer pain in attaining peace for oneself?
To you reading I say our freedom is something we can attain alone joyfully instead of stubbing another in order to attain peace, guilt is almost an opposite to peace.
Why can’t we think about the two vibrational aspects of ourselves, listen to our “yes” and “no”, our black and white thoughts? Why do we keep talking about poverty when we are poor and keep talking about riches when we are rich? Where we programmed to have a single dimension for our minds or are we failing to dig out the true power of our minds?
My country keeps growing, and I see this so called growth centralized only around certain areas. Today it’s this musician, another time it’s some kids on the TV showing off their talents in dancing and singing. I see footballers crowned the knights of the country, the country doing all it could to build these young heroes financially to keep the countries name echoing.
My fingers are clung to my jaws as I think of my friend who created a solar panel back in school and still just a friend to me. The country has even been deprived from knowing him.
Day in and day out, he shares his thoughts with me, and together we maneuver to make things work out. There are a lot more people like us in my country who are still treated like ancient scrolls, no one hears about them to help out.
If you ask me what racism is, I will tell you this is racism.
Education is seen as an alien thing, rarely do we see great scholars interviewed on the TV, neither do we get to see what great thinkers in our country have done out of their pleasure of finding things out(I only got to see Prof. Charles Allotey three months ago on the TV). This is gradually growing as a tradition, sorry much more a religion among the youth.
Everyone in school tries to get into soccer or music for the readers are not part of the long remembered names.
1/1/2011, I went around with my friend to distribute few articles we wrote for a feedback from the readers about what they think of the messages in the articles. Surprisingly, we confronted a guy to hand him a copy for free; he gazed gently only two utter three words; I don't read!
Shocked? Funny but that was the truth from a lot more we tried giving a copy. A man just criticised the article negatively without knowing the content, imagine what he would have said to us if they were for sale.
It will be better if we could equally focus on all areas that will build the youth as future leaders instead of truncating and depending on only few sectors. The late Confucius was right; a country can only have peace and love when her people are all given the chance to be prosperous, so that they can serve their nation from their hearts, not because they are forced to.
Lets dissipate our energy in all ways to get everyone what he wants, in doing that I know we are building grey walls, instead of focusing on only certain areas; areas that are mainly personal.
“It’s time young people should take over Africa – how it is up to children and the youth to start something”, said president Obama on a visit to Ghana .
Without a dispersed thought and focus on the youth, there is undoubtedly no way we can start something. The entertainment is enough, let’s build our youth in their ages with the pleasure of finding things out so that when they age, they can impart into those after them. Surely, that will help keep a true whole Ghana , and a whole World.
I see a new world with integration of thoughts to act as the whole instead of alone.
makes a lot of sense
ReplyDeletethis is good food for thought
ReplyDeletewell that really true ,the idea of racism has enslaved most black and are not prepared to change that ideology.I strongly support the fact when the youth with such modern thought are deprived of the necessary support or are not well equipped and the right exposure is not made available ,thats what is known as racism.keep it up ................