Tuesday, February 1, 2011


The spinal ghost is an intriguing concept that demystifies human behavior.
Spinal Ghost is metaphoric ideology that objectively deduces facts and references from psychoanalysis to explain the role of unconscious internal forces that are tentative, coercive and persuasive, and characterize the aggression that influences behavior of people around us.
It explains the reason, social deviants must be empirically judged on the bases of forces beyond their control.
Just like the Spinal cord in every human, the Spinal Ghost is a part of us and responsible for our actions.
Aggression and delinquency are mental forces or impulses that are residual or perhaps outcomes of transformed inherent social facts which are often hidden, complex and subtle hence, must be discovered before they can be eradicated or diagnosed.
These inherent forces are what I call “Spinal Ghost”. For years, social scientist; ardent in their quest to find solution to social imbalances as a result of aggression and delinquencies have found out that, convicts are rather patients suffering influence of forces beyond their control ie, Spinal Ghost.
Sigmund Freud is accredited for his researches and theories especially psychoanalysis which gives more insight into the unconscious.
Before I delve into Spinal Ghost let me make some references on the Spinal Cord. The Spinal Cord is a part of the central nervous system that is responsible for many body actives by translating external impulses to meaningful instructions to the various parts of the body. The spinal cord receives information from the individual’s environment through sensory neuron that is connected to the sense organs, decodes the impulses into commands, sends them out to organs and muscles through the motor neurons, and actions such as sleeping, eye blinking, and pain sensation are portrayed
The Spinal Ghost however, is formed in the early stages of childhood life. Unlike the spinal cord that forms a part of the human anatomy rendering it a biological factor. The Spinal Ghost is a social involuntary organ formed in the early ages before six years and functional in three frequencies; ie symptoms show in adolescence, active in teenager and mild or fading in mid ages.
Spinal Ghost is a finally woven fabric of socially inter-locked bits of behavior. In order words, an individual’s “Spinal Ghost” is formed as a result of the things he saw and heard around him as a child. In other words, a person’s ‘Spinal Ghost’ is developed through observational learning that goes on in his early ages. Observational learning refers to a mode of knowledge acquisition done through “role-modeling” (imitating from others). Children in their formative ages observe behavior of their parents, teachers, friends and relatives. These behaviors are soaked in a sponge-like substance in the centre of their ‘Spinal Ghost’ the child keeps soaking up behavior from media and whatever means closest. These behavior traits become indelible and locked up in their unconscious spinal ghost.
You may want to know why these character traits soaked-up in the unconscious (sponge-like substance) do not immediately manifest. You will bear witness that; it will be totally absurd to see a 2year old boy robbing a bank or raping a 25 year old lady or perhaps, highly addicted to heroine or cocaine. The truth is that, due to parental control and fear of punishment, the Spinal Ghosts are subdued and oppressed until they blossom. However signs of “Spinal Ghost” subjection are melancholic and introversive, which is why people make claims that; quiet kids are dangerous.
Just like every ghost in folktales and myths spinal ghost is unleashed when the yoke of subjection is removed. Most kids enjoy some liberty during teenage and adulthood. The unleashed Ghost is gully blossomed and armed to haunt.
In teenagers, the unconscious pool of aggressive behavior (spinal ghost) seeks expression in real life. This explains the strong urge for power, cacoethes sex appeal or libido, violence and aggression as well as drug addiction. And in mid ages the, “Spinal Ghost “is responsible for cases such as alcoholism, womanizing fraud and most often a strong urge for revenge on society. Most of these deviant behaviours in teenagers and adults are beyond their control as they lie outside their consciousness. These behaviours were not adopted overnight; apparently they are better understood through the lens of the “Spinal Ghost” concept.
I believe the essence of coining a concept is to find a solution to that phenomenon. Spinal Ghost though is a complicated nurture could be diagnosed. I arrived at two diagnostics, they include the; counter-factor ` and “bla-bla” diagnostic.
Both diagnostics are effective and efficient if administered in early stages of a spinal ghost, they are domestically applicable to resolve “spinal ghost” effect on early observations.
The early signs of “spinal ghost”, if you can recollect the cases of extreme introvert kids and kids who are melancholic. The counter-factor diagnostic is a measure that employs an environment of concentrated force of harmony to counteract the extreme hate and aggression willed-up in patients suffering from the spinal ghost effect. For instance, a teenager who is observed to be showing signs of “spinal ghost” effect must be introduced to a family or a peer group who will show a high concentration of love, morality and decency.
In other cases, the Bla-Bla diagnostics can be employed. This diagnostics advice that patients suffering from “spinal ghost” effect must be placed in a calm environment and allowed to freely say all the things that comes in mind without hesitation or disruption. For instance, if a teenager is observed to be stealing, drinking or very violent, he or she must be allowed to “speak his mind”. I believe in this process, the patient reveals the depths of his unconsciousness. In “Bla-bla” diagnostics, the very foundations of “Spinal Ghost” fall apart bit by bit.
However, I still believe rehabilitation centers and prisons could be reprogrammed to diagnose crime if crime in its sense is interpreted from the “Spinal Ghost” concept; otherwise the institutions initial intention of correcting social menace would end up exasperating the conditions of inmates.
I would not hesitate to add that, measures to curb ‘Spinal Ghost’ could be referred to practicing clinical psychology if personal application proves futile.
“Spinal Ghost although is caused by social facts, genetic and biological influences can not be underestimated. I strongly believe this observation would trigger your desire to give a more empirical interpretation to people’s behavior in relation to factors beyond their capabilities. The comprehension of this concept will help us live harmoniously with each other.

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