Often we smile at the sight of a person, an animal, an object, or other respects of nature as a sign of satisfaction, pleasure, or attaining a meaning of the characteristics we harvested from the observed. As to what we have seen in the source of this feeling, it depends on us, because another person observing the same thing may not find the joy we felt.
As a culture of thought, most believe the artist has more than any other to utter all that is beautiful about our nature. True beauty has interpretation which leads to attractiveness or emotional well-being. As a matter of fact, beauty is subjective and resonates to one’s own meaning of his observation (Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder).
Taking beauty as a physical law, obeying the principle of relativity; every observer’s conclusion is correct, depending on his frame of reference (taking frame of reference to mean what one expects to observe as beauty). In the sense that, if a man sees a lady to be ugly and another sees her to be pretty, they are all right. This is the magnificent attribute beauty has, and it’s the only missing ingredient in art. Art itself is a beautiful thing, studied and applied with group of laws expected to be seen in its manifestation. Quite rough in science; beauty is the meaning you give to something.
Scientists believe the brain is the reason we can all decide what beauty is. We the scientists believe there is a neurological connection between our mind and what we perceive as beauty. We can postulate that, this may have been due to evolution. If this is true, will it mean all organisms on earth went through the same depth of evolution?
The answer to this question will be very beautiful.
The cock needs to roost and show off its colorful tail feathers to attract the hen for mating. The predator is attracted by its prey, the man sees a hill and he is soaked in an emotion to write. With all these, we believe there is a connection between two for one to experience beauty. Because of this, many people dress for external admiration but not to satisfy themselves. If this is true, then there is a lot more beauty we have not discovered, a lot more smiles, a lot more satisfaction and meaning to our universe.
The cock needs to roost and show off its colorful tail feathers to attract the hen for mating. The predator is attracted by its prey, the man sees a hill and he is soaked in an emotion to write. With all these, we believe there is a connection between two for one to experience beauty. Because of this, many people dress for external admiration but not to satisfy themselves. If this is true, then there is a lot more beauty we have not discovered, a lot more smiles, a lot more satisfaction and meaning to our universe.
As I wrote this article, I decided to find some beauty in my TV. I halted, sat gently on the couch as I carefully studied the TV. It was off, and all I saw was the size, shape and colour. I took the remote controller and just before I hit the power button, ideas came in. I asked myself,” how does the remote controller communicate to put the TV on?”
There should be a special diode called a sensor that is able to transmit particular frequencies of electromagnetic radiations, known as infra red.
Infra red is a light wave, therefore should obey some basic expected characteristics of light. To test for reflection; I pointed the remote controller to a mirror and kept changing the angle the mirror made with the remote controller (glancing angle). My thumb was still on the power button. At a particular angle, the TV responded and was out of power. I tried again and the power came back. I could see myself smiling with no joker around me.
I thought; if the remote controller is giving out infra red radiations as signals, then there should be a circuit in the TV that is converting the electromagnetic radiations into electronic signals to be comprehended by the TV. I corrected myself; that the remote controller has no sensor, but a LED (Light Emitting Diode) which is able to generate and emit light with very low frequency that makes it invisible. And the TV rather has a sensor which is stimulated by radiations from the remote controller; often photo cells that give out electrons when hit by light. (Photoelectric emission by Maxwell plank and completed by Albert Einstein). I could feel the power of the coherence between my bits of knowledge and my pleasure to observe. The TV is so beautiful.
As I smiled I could see myself smiling wilder, I was answering the question; why doesn’t infra red from my body and the sun operate the TV?
Probably, this may be the reason the frequency of the remote controller is that minimal. Its frequency is so little that bodies around the TV can only produce radiations whose frequencies are beyond that which is comprehended by the TV, a deep conscious thought by the manufacturers. Now I was actually laughing, my eyes glared across the room, my dimples deepened and my teeth all out, seeming to search a bite. I wished there was some around to understand the reason for this happiness, but there was no one apart from you reading.
The laughter faded as I thought again; why can’t my remote controller communicate with my brother’s TV. Could it be that the signals are coded by the manufacturers?
I reached my computer and ‘googled’ out that my thought was just perfect. All manufacturers have secret codes added to the commands (signals) from the remote controller. If absent or perhaps different, the TV fails to understand the command and remains not operated. I was all cool now; after all I just dug out a lot of beauty from my TV and its remote controller. I walked towards the TV to put it off but again I had to answer a question. Why doesn’t the volume button put the TV off and the colour button change the channels. This time I didn’t find it easy; I sat back on the couch; my left hand clung to my left lower jaw as I still held the remote controller in my right hand.
A shower of thoughts just flooded my brain. I was thinking that the whole circuit in the remote controller might be made of tiny circuits connected commonly by the parallel method. In the essence that every button pressed represented a key or switch to a tiny circuit. All the basic circuits are supposed to be independent of each other, so as to produce different signals. I concluded that each button, each tiny circuit produced different intensity of radiation or different number of flashes form the LED. So if the LED for my TV is flashing out infra red radiations twice for volume control, it should flash differently for colour control. Likewise, hitting the button should begin the command by closing a tiny circuit as lifting the thumb or any other finger used, should open a tiny circuit to end its communication with the TV. Thus if I press the volume button, the circuit for volume begins to communicate with the TV, and stops when I lift my finger to open or put off the volume circuit. I think I love my TV.
Beauty is one magnificent thing that keeps people in theism and materialism into search for facts of what they preach. The theist believes beauty is one fact that explains the existence of an eternal being whose imagination is judged to have been poured into creation of a beautiful world. The materialist will not accept this. The materialist thinks even with no controller on the gradual metamorphosis of the world, there is no rationality that explains the world would have been ugly. His reason is that; our minds tell us what beauty is, and no two people will always see same things to be beautiful. If there is an eternal being somewhere who created a beautiful world, then we should always see things to be equally beautiful as they were created. But this isn’t true. We don’t all see same things to be beautiful.
The theist is true, and so is the materialist. The beautiful thing about our minds is that we can choose the one to believe, and no one can judge us apart from the last day believed by the theist. I was deluded by these two distinct thoughts from two sets of people. So I asked one last question; how beautiful is the mind?
So beautiful, we don’t even know what it is, and few of us confuse it to be the brain. Our mind, our power, the driver of our thoughts is so beautiful. Its beauty we can’t see, neither can we taste nor hear of, but we use. Its perfection that leads us to remember the past, observe the present and imagine the future is so complicated. We can’t use science to explain the creation of the mind, because we can’t see the mind. There will be no samples for experiment, hence no conclusion to drive us to the answer to the question: what is the mind? There must see a magnificent being out there to plan and create our mind and that makes me a theist. Again the beautiful thing is that you may not accept my idea for being a theist, because my meaning may not resonate with yours.
The best you can do is to think about the beauty that is in you. Whether its your cute face, silky hair, good body proportion, your complexion, your intelligence, faith, ability to show gratitude, to write, to talk, your pleasure of finding things out, and finally your power to love. There is a lot of beauty that is hidden in you and around you. My TV showed a lot of beauty around me. Keep thinking of that positive side of you, so you can attract more beautify in your life.
If a persons claims you are ugly, the beauty here is the fact that the person actually thought of you. Never cast energy in things you don’t want, they are the ugly ones. Focus on the joy that comes into your life; the hugs, the wealth, the love, the gratitude, the respect and the beauty.
All these I know because, you are the beholder of the images you keep in your mind.
Aesthetics, a broader subject carries within itself; art and taste, to create and appreciate beauty. Beauty is beyond this.
Take this: the next time mum scolds you, keep joy lit in your heart as you ponder how the sound waves reach you from her. You will see how beautiful it is not to retaliate.
For me, the beauty in me is my ability to love people around me.
Beauty is realized when noticed and appreciated, and our ability to notice and appreciate, is subjected to our perceptions
What is the beauty in you?
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