Friday, November 4, 2011

Education and Culture

                Our culture slipping into the gutters      
The solution is not to try to get people to realize that our culture is slipping into the gutters. But to conceptualize a culture that the new Ghanaian will embrace. A new culture that reorients our way of thinking and reconstructs our attitude towards the world.
A sort of paradigm shift.

Education is not separate from culture . Education is rather an integral part of  culture. When education is separated from culture there is chaos.
Culture includes the customs,ideas and social behaviour of a society or a group of people. But its defined and determined by a very important factor and that is how a society wants to live.
Now sociology studies the structures , development and functioning of societies, And in retrospect ,societies that have lived centuries past or our own primitive societies will tell you  two things.
A society that knew what kind of life, its people should  lead always achieved great things and a society that didn’t know , always lost the  real essence of their culture.
An example of a society whose culture is slowly slipping away , is our society. Our culture is becoming a mediocre one, because its filled with too much borrowing. A little good from here, a little bad from here, we copy blindly, following fads.

I t is important we realize what it it we want and determine how we can get there.  Plato’s Republic shows an example of how first a country needs to know the kind of life they want to live.  And how they can construct their customs , beliefs  and etc  to make that life possible.
We need to realize culture is a creative enterprise, determined by the creative consciousness of its people.  In a recent discourse with friend she said and I quote;" Culture is the way of life people and in its dynamism it has no choice but to be creative. Otherwise there would be no distinctiveness among people . And a world without culture would absolutely monochromatic".
True, but we are forgetting to notice , we can consciously control the creative process. An example is what Lycurgus did with Sparta and what Plato's republic described.

The question where do we start?
We start with the integral part of culture; education.
In which modes and forms are educated through; mass media( TV, Radio,Journals,News Papers, Magazines), opinion leaders, community centres, schools.
We need a plan << a national policy>> of what life in this country should be and could be, then we work at it.

There is hope for tomorrow but we can only do something now. SO bit by bit, lets discuss how we can effect the change we all                 so want to see.
1.What kind of life do we want to live
2.How do we recreate the kind of culture we want
3.What kind of education should be given
4.How do we effectively create the Ghana we all drea of
We can only start now!

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